Volume 63, Issue 3, March 2004
Rajaji Namaste
Research Papers
Petrology of Lingtse Granite of Linkey-Barapathing Stretch of East Sikkim in the Light of Geostatistical, Chemical and Experimental Studies
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Application of Geoelectrical Method for Interpretation of Geohydrological Conditions around Rajahmundry, A.P.
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Continental Alkaline Maginatism Vis-a-vis the Indian Subcontinent: A Documentary Profile
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Petromineragraphy and Mineral Chemistry of Bituminous Shale-Hosted Uranium Mineralisation at Sonrai, Lalitpur District, Uttar Pradesh
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Factor Analysis of Recent Benthic Foraminifera from the Coleroon River Estuary, TamilNadu
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Hydrogeology and Possible Effects of the Mw 7.4 Marmara Earthquake (17 August 1999) on the Spring Waters in the Orhangazi-Bursa Area, Hirkey
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Basinal and Structural Appraisal of Magnetic Data of Chattisgarh Region, Central India
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Short Communications
Pyroxene Exsolution Textures in Plutonic Basic Igneous Rocks from Kandra Igneous Complex, Nellore Schist Belt, Andhra Pradesh
Landscape Evolution and Twidale's Review of Lester King's 'canons'
Australia and the Lure of Gold
Indian Peninsular Precambrian Terrain and Metal Potential: A New Approach
Himalayan Tectonics (The Himprobe Results)
New Oil Find in Rajasthan
8thinternational Symposium on Fossil Algae at Granada, Spain
Recent Advances in the Geological Disposal of Nuclear Wastes Worldwide and Indian Scenario
Teaching of Geo-Environmental Education in Schools through Audio-Visual Aids
Book Reviews
Mineral Resources Management and the Environment
Himalayan Collision Tectonics
Earthquakes, References from the Rig Veda to the Rajatarangini
Interesting Papers in Other Journals
Interesting Papers in Other Journals
Annual General meeting - 2004 and National Seminar on Deltas of India