Slope Management Survey by Comparative Study of the Anbalagan and SAS Methods in Precinct 20, Putrajaya, Malaysia
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A landslide occurred on 22 March 2007 in Precinct 9, Putrajaya, Malaysia, burying 27 cars and forcing the evacuation of about 1,200 people. There are some slopes in Putrajaya area that need to be observed to ensure the safety value of the slope. This study was performed in order to ensure the safety of the slope in Precinct 20, Putrajaya, because the location of the slope is quite close to an area of apartments and housing. The main purpose of this slope evaluation comparison of the Anbalagan and SAS (Slope Assessment System) methods in Precinct 20, Putrajaya, is to find the effectiveness of the slope evaluation method and to observe the changes of the slopes in 2012. A slope and landslide inventory system is established to help the team responsible for enhancing the slope management in Putrajaya especially for future development. The five slopes in Precinct 20, Putrajaya, were visited to detect slope distress, which is the major potential of landslide. Aerial photos were collected and an airborne survey was carried out to provide basic information for the slope and landslide inventory as well as to produce a base map and spatial layers for the slope hazard analysis. Therefore, geological and geotechnical studies and observation were done at the chosen sites to compare the data results from the Anbalagan method and the SAS method to find out their effectiveness and relevant that is applicable to this area. The results show that the SAS and Anbalagan methods can be used to evaluate the same slope although these methods use different approaches. The parameters for the SAS method are more related to the geometry of the slope while the Anbalagan parameters are more related to geological factors.Downloads
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