Microfacies and Depositional Environment of the Ilerdian Carbonates in the North-Western Tosya (SE Kastamonu) Region, Northern Turkey
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Ilerdian (early Eocene) carbonates in the northwestern Tosya region, northern Turkey, are characterized by porcellaneous larger benthic foraminifera; Glomalveolina, Alveolina, Orbitolites, Opertorbitolites and Cyclopertorbitolites are common in the southeastern Kastamonu region, in facies deposited on a lowgradient carbonate ramp. The inner ramp comprises of Miliolidsoritid wackestone, Soritid wackestone, Alveolinid-soritid wackestone-packstone, Alveolinid wackestone, Alveolinid- Nummulitid wackestone-packstone, algal wackestone, and Coralline algal pack-grainstone microfacies. The middle ramp deposits are composed of Alveolinid-nummulitid wackestonepackstone and Nummulitid wackestone-packstone microfacies. Overall, the succession reflects a long term deepening trend.Downloads
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